Arşivlerde "Parfüm" Ve Benzeri Şeylere Dair...


Pure Parfum
Satış Onaylı
13 Mar 2022
Minicik bir ilan ama parfüm zevki ve parfümde cinsiyete ilişkin ne çok şey söylemiş...

Yeni Asır Gazetesi, 14 Şubat 1939, Hilal Eczanesi'nde bilgi notu.
(Böyle bir bilgi notuna ihtiyaç duyulması da ayrıca enteresan)

yeniasır_14_şubat_1939_unisex_parfüm_meselesi - Kopya.png


Pure Parfum
Satış Onaylı
13 Mar 2022
Harrods mağazası parfüm reyonu, 1903.
(Yine de "züccaciye reyonu olabilir mi" diye düşünmeden edemiyorum)

"Keşke zaman makinası olsa" dedirten fotoğraflardan.


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Pure Parfum
Satış Onaylı
13 Mar 2022
Christian Dior'un "Miss Dior" parfümünü kardeşine ithaf ettiğini biliyorsunuzdur.

Matmazel Dior'u bir modacının her daim şık, narin, zarif, hatta belki biraz kırılgan kardeşi olarak hayal etmiştim ama hanımefendi şeref madalyalı bir savaş kahramanıymış meğer, hikayesi için buyrun:

"Ginette Dior (2 August 1917 – 17 June 2008), better known as Catherine Dior, was a French Resistance fighter during World War II. Involved with the Franco-Polish intelligence unit F2 from November 1941, she was arrested in Paris in July 1944 by the Gestapo, then tortured and deported to the Ravensbrück women concentration camp. Dior was subsequently forced to work in the Torgau military prison, in the Buchenwald's satellite camp of Abberode, and finally in a factory near Leipzig. After her release in April 1945, she was awarded several medals of honour for her acts in the Resistance, most notably the Croix de Guerre, the King's Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom, and the Legion of Honour.

After the end of the war, Dior spent the remainder of her life working with flowers: first as a flower trader in Paris, then as a flower farmer in Provence for the production of fragrance. She was close to her brother, the well-known couturier Christian Dior. Launched in 1947, the perfume Miss Dior is often said to have been named after her by Christian. Catherine Dior helped preserve her brother's legacy after his death in 1957, and she became the honorary president of the Christian-Dior Museum from 1999 until her death in 2008, aged 90."

Dior'un meşhur "kazayağı" deseni içinde Matmazel Dior ve Miss Dior.
miss dior - Kopya.jpg